Build Your First E-Com Chatbot With Relevance AI

Build Your First E-Com Chatbot With Relevance AI

Welcome to the world of AI-powered e-commerce solutions! In this comprehensive guide, we're diving into how to craft a cutting-edge AI product recommendation system tailored for e-commerce stores, landing pages, or product catalogues. Imagine a virtual helper that understands exactly what your customers need and points them toward their perfect product match – from work bags to beach bags; this system has got it all covered. Ready to revolutionize your online store? Let's get started!

Understanding the Power of AI in E-Commerce

Before we dive into the technicalities, let's grasp the potential of integrating AI into e-commerce. AI systems enhance the shopping experience by personalized product suggestions, boosting customer satisfaction, and ultimately, increasing sales. It's all about meeting the customer right where their need is with the perfect product solution.

Tools of the Trade: Relevance AI and Agentive

To build our AI product recommendation system, we'll be wielding two powerful tools: Relevance AI and Agentive. Relevance AI, a platform that allows us to create a flow of automations tailored for AI operations, serves as our foundation. On the other hand, Agentive is our interface to connect with and manage these automations effortlessly, akin to platforms like or Zapier, but with a more AI-centric approach.

Getting Started with Relevance AI

Initiating our project on Relevance AI is straightforward. We create a new project, which lands us on a dashboard to manage knowledge, inputs, and outputs effectively. Here, we input a customer's query (like “I need a bag for the beach”) and employ an LLM step (Large Language Models, think ChatGPT) to interpret this input.

We then craft a prompt to generate an Airtable query, converting the customer's request into a searchable formula. This enables us to pull relevant product data from an Airtable database, creating a seamless bridge between a query and the database.

Connecting the Dots: Agentive and the API Requests

With our query ready, Agentive steps into the picture. It serves as the platform where the magic happens – taking our Relevance AI setup, running it through its system, and pulling the curated product data back to us. The beauty of Agentive lies in its simplicity, allowing us to add tools and automate responses without diving deep into technicalities.

From Prompt to Product: The Workflow

So, how does all of this translate into action? Essentially, we start by feeding a customer's need into the system. Our setup then translates this need into a query, searches an Airtable database, and returns with recommended products. For example, saying “I need a bag for the beach” triggers our system to fetch beach-appropriate bags from our database.

This entire process is automated and formatted neatly through Agentive, making it effortless to receive and showcase the recommended products to the customer.

Bringing the AI Chatbot to Life

To make our AI recommendation system customer-ready, deploying it is key. Tools like Voiceflow allow us to integrate our system as a smart assistant on websites, providing a smooth interface for users to interact with. Whether it's through text commands or voice, our AI chatbot is ready to guide customers through a personalized shopping journey.

Wrapping Up with Ease

The journey to creating an AI product recommendation system might seem complex at first glance but breaking it down into steps with Relevance AI and Agentive makes it approachable. The potential to enhance the e-commerce experience is immense, offering a bridge between customer needs and product offerings. The era of personalized shopping isn't just approaching; it's already here.


Can this system be used for any e-commerce platform?

Yes, our AI recommendation system can be adapted to various e-commerce platforms, including custom stores and popular platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce.

Is coding knowledge required to set up this system?

While having some technical background helps, platforms like Relevance AI and Agentive have made it easier for non-technical users to deploy AI solutions with minimal coding.

How personalized can the product recommendations get?

Extremely personalized. By fine-tuning the inputs and queries, the system can accurately match customer preferences and needs with the right products.

Is there a limit to how many products or queries the system can handle?

Technically, no. The scalability of the system depends on the database and how the queries are structured. However, Relevance AI and Agentive can handle significant volumes efficiently.

What's the cost of implementing such a system?

The cost can vary depending on the complexity of the setup and the platforms used. However, the ROI from increased sales and improved customer satisfaction can quickly offset the initial investment.

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mind? Let’s talk

Our discovery call is a quick call to discuss the project on your mind. Our consultation call is an opportunity to meet and discuss the potential of AI in your business.
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