Create A User Log In For Your Voiceflow Chatbot

Create A User Log In For Your Voiceflow Chatbot

Wondering how to step up your Voiceflow chatbot with a secure login feature? You're in luck! Today, we are diving deep into setting up a one-time login code authentication system for your Voiceflow chatbot. By integrating with Airtable and, you can create a robust mechanism that enhances user experience and security. Let's get started, shall we?

Beginning With Sign-Up System

First things first, your user needs a way to sign up before logging in. Voiceflow allows you to craft a smooth sign-up process, starting with collecting user emails through a straightforward prompt. Once the email is received, it's time to ensure no duplicate accounts exist. This is where Airtable comes into play.

By making a GET request to an Airtable table, you check if the email already exists. To perform this action, you'll require an API key from Airtable. Access this by creating an Airtable account, selecting 'Create base', and following the steps to generate an API key under the Developer Hub. This key authenticates your requests, ensuring secure communication between Voiceflow and Airtable.

Finessing the Sign-Up Logic

With your Airtable set up, it’s crucial to construct your GET request carefully. You’ll be filtering results to find if the entered email exists, using a combination of the email variable and a filter formula within the request URL. If the email is found, you prompt the user that an account already exists. Otherwise, you proceed to create a one-time login code.

Emailing the One-Time Code

This is where shines. After generating a random code, a POST request is made to a scenario. This scenario, designed to email the user their unique code, relies on a simple webhook. Setting this up is a breeze: you craft a scenario in to send an email through Gmail or any other service you prefer, embedding the one-time code within the message.

Validating the Login

Once the user receives their code and inputs it into the chatbot, you're at a crucial stage—verification. Here, you'll compare the entered code against the generated one. If they match, congratulations! Your user is successfully logged in. This verification step is pivotal for ensuring that the user accessing the account is legitimate.

Enhancing the User Experience

Post-login, you might want to personalize the experience further by asking for the user’s name or other preferences. This information can be stored alongside the email in Airtable, enriching user profiles for future interactions.

Setting Up the Login System

The login system mirrors the sign-up process to a large extent. It starts by capturing the user's email, followed by a GET request to Airtable to verify its existence. Assuming the email is found (meaning the user is returning), you generate a new one-time login code, email it through, and request verification again. It's a seamless loop that ensures each login is secure and unique.


Implementing a one-time login code authentication system in your Voiceflow chatbot adds a layer of security and professionalism. It's a straightforward process with the right tools—Voiceflow for the chatbot interface, Airtable for database management, and for automating email communication. Follow these steps to upgrade your chatbot's user authentication system and provide a secure, enjoyable experience for your users.


1. Can I use this login system with any chatbot platform?
This guide is tailored for Voiceflow but the principles can be adapted for other platforms that allow API integration and custom code.

2. Is it necessary to use Airtable for the database?
While this example uses Airtable, you could use any database system that offers an API for data retrieval and storage, adjusting the API request details accordingly.

3. How secure is this authentication method?
The one-time login code adds a layer of security by ensuring that only the email account holder can login. Always ensure to secure your API keys and data transmissions for added security.

4. Can I customize the email sent to users?
Absolutely! The scenario allows for full customization of the email's content, giving you control over the message and branding.

5. What if a user doesn't receive their one-time code?
You should offer a method for users to request the code again or contact support. This can be built into your chatbot's flow to handle exceptions smoothly.

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