How I Built A Hazard Reporting AI Chatbot

How I Built A Hazard Reporting AI Chatbot

Imagine having the technology at your fingertips that could identify workplace hazards in an instant, using nothing more than a photo. That's not just a flight of fancy anymore; it's a reality I've brought to life with a bit of ingenuity and some state-of-the-art AI tools. In this blog, I'll walk you through the creation of an instant reporting chatbot powered by ChatGPT’s vision for vision and integrated with Voiceflow and This is a tale of how technology can really make a difference in ensuring workplace safety.

The Genesis of the Idea

Workplace safety is paramount, yet identifying hazards can often be a slow and bureaucratic process. The nucleus of my idea was simple – to expedite this process using something most of us have in our pockets: a smartphone. The vision? A user uploads an image of a potential hazard, and an AI instantly identifies the risk, offering immediate control measures, storing the information securely, and even notifying relevant staff members. A tall order? Perhaps, but with the power of AI, entirely possible.

Leveraging AI for Good

The heart of this chatbot lies in its ability to 'see' and 'understand' images. Using ChatGPT’s technology for analyzing images, the chatbot can recognize numerous hazards, deduce their severity, and suggest initial control measures. This is not just about replacing human assessment but enhancing it, ensuring that potential hazards can be addressed promptly, minimizing risks.

The Backbone: Voiceflow and

Voiceflow proved to be an invaluable platform for creating this AI-driven solution. Its intuitive interface and robust capabilities allowed for the seamless integration of AI and database functionalities., on the other hand, bridged the gap between captured data and actionable insights, funneling the information to an Airtable database where it was structured, categorized, and made accessible for further action.

The Process in Action

Let’s break down how it works: A user uploads an image of a potential hazard through the chatbot interface. The image is then processed by ChatGPT’s vision technology, which analyses the photo and returns information about the hazard and suggested control measures. For instance, spotting a hole and suggesting it be cordoned off to prevent accidents.

The bot then queries an Airtable database to match the job site specified by the user, dynamically showcases staff members present at the site through Voiceflow’s dynamic buttons feature, and stores the reporting data back into Airtable. This streamlined flow from image upload to hazard identification and reporting is what sets this chatbot apart.

A Demonstration of the System

Seeing the chatbot in action is believing in the power of AI. Upon uploading an image, the user is prompted through a series of steps that culminate in a comprehensive hazard report being stored. Through Voiceflow, the interaction feels intuitive, and the integration with ensures that all data is captured and categorized without a hitch.

DIY: Building Your Own AI Chatbot

For those intrigued by the possibilities, the process of creating this chatbot involves utilizing Voiceflow for the chatbot design and logic, for handling the workflow, and integrating with Airtable for data management. The beauty of this setup is not just in its technological prowess but in its adaptability. Whether you're a small business looking to enhance workplace safety or a hobbyist eager to explore the potential of AI, this chatbot serves as a blueprint for innovation.

The journey from concept to execution has been both challenging and rewarding. This chatbot stands as a testament to the power of AI to not just streamline processes but significantly enhance safety measures. With technology like this, we're not just identifying hazards; we're preventing accidents before they happen, turning reactive measures into proactive safety solutions.


The integration of AI into our daily routines is no longer a distant future scenario. It's here, transforming the way we approach tasks as routine and critical as workplace safety. The journey of creating this hazard reporting chatbot has been a profound demonstration of how technology, when harnessed with purpose, can truly make a difference. This is just the beginning. The potential applications of AI chatbots, especially in enhancing safety, efficiency, and communication, are vast. It's an exciting time to be innovating at the crossroads of AI and practical applications, pushing the boundaries of what's possible one chatbot at a time.


Can this chatbot identify all types of hazards?

While it's trained on a wide array of potential hazards, continuous learning and updates are crucial for expanding its knowledge base and improving accuracy.

Is it necessary to have coding skills to build a similar chatbot?

Basic understanding is helpful, but platforms like Voiceflow simplify the process, making it accessible to non-coders as well.

Can this chatbot be used in any work environment?

Absolutely! However, customization may be required to tailor the bot to specific industry needs and environments.

How does the chatbot handle data privacy?

All data is securely handled and stored, with strict adherence to privacy laws and guidelines, ensuring user data is protected.

Can this system be integrated with other software?

Yes, the system is designed with flexibility in mind, allowing for integration with various software tools and platforms for enhanced functionality.

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