How To Display Knowledge Base Links In Voiceflow

How To Display Knowledge Base Links In VoiceFlow

Are you diving into the exciting world of conversational interfaces and looking to enhance your VoiceFlow projects by incorporating dynamic, directly-linked knowledge base responses? Well, buckle up, because you're about to learn a nifty trick to achieve just that. It's simpler than you might think, and the impact on user experience can be significant.

Understanding VoiceFlow's Potential

VoiceFlow has emerged as a groundbreaking platform for the creation and development of chatbots and voice applications. It allows designers, developers, and project managers to collaborate and bring to life conversational experiences that can engage users on platforms like Alexa, Google Assistant, and more. But how do you take it up a notch by embedding links directly into your VoiceFlow responses? Let's dive in.

The Magic Behind Direct Links in Responses

Imagine asking a chatbot about a company's refund policy and, along with a succinct answer, you also receive a link to the specific section of the website where this information resides. That's the goal – and it's attainable. The key is to understand how to efficiently use VoiceFlow's capabilities to query your knowledge base and retrieve not just answers, but relevant URLs too.

Step-by-Step Guide to Embed Links

Here's how to make this happen in VoiceFlow, using a straightforward method that bypasses the need for a complicated knowledge base setup.

1. Setting Up Your Project

Start with your VoiceFlow project. For our example, we're using the entire sitemap from McDonald's Australia as the knowledge base, but this approach works with any site or structured database of information you have.

2. Crafting the Query

Using VoiceFlow's API step, connect to your knowledge base. This approach is efficient, bypassing the default VoiceFlow knowledge base setup. Insert your VoiceFlow dialogue API key in the authorization header, ensuring to include necessary headers like 'Accept'.

3. Defining Your Prompt

Next, you'll need to structure your query. Using GBDF4 (an example prompt format from the VoiceFlow documentation), capture the user's last utterance as the question. This is the part where you ask your knowledge base the specific query sourced from the user's input.

4. Extracting and Saving Responses

In VoiceFlow, save the initial chunks of information received from your knowledge base as separate variables. These chunks are essentially excerpts containing the answer to the user's query. Also, save the URL from which this information was sourced as another variable.

5. Generating the Complete Answer

Have VoiceFlow generate a precise answer by amalgamating the chunks of information. This answer, saved to a variable, is what will be presented to the user. Additionally, the corresponding URL, pulled directly from the knowledge base, will accompany the answer, offering users a pathway to explore the topic further on their own.

Why This Matters?

The beauty of this approach lies in its transparency and efficiency. Users not only get their questions answered directly but also gain immediate access to the source of information. This adds a layer of trust and encourages further engagement, something invaluable in today's information-dense digital landscapes.

Ready to Implement?

If the thought of integrating such functionality excites you, but the process seems daunting, worry not. VoiceFlow templates that streamline this process are readily available. Moreover, for those seeking a tailored solution, reaching out for professional assistance is always an option.


Integrating direct links into your VoiceFlow responses not only elevates the user experience but also aligns perfectly with the evolving expectations of digital interface users. By following the steps outlined above, you can significantly enhance the utility and engagement potential of your VoiceFlow projects. Remember, the essence of effective communication lies in not just answering questions but providing paths to deeper understanding.


Can this method be applied to any website or knowledge base?

Absolutely! While we used McDonald's Australia's sitemap as an example, this approach is versatile and can be adapted to any structured set of information or knowledge base you aim to query.

Is it necessary to have programming experience to implement this?

While having a basic understanding of APIs and programming concepts can help, VoiceFlow's intuitive interface and detailed documentation make it accessible even to those with minimal technical background.

Can I apply this functionality to both chatbots and voice apps?

Yes, this method is compatible with both chatbots and voice apps designed on VoiceFlow, making it a versatile tool in your conversational design toolkit.

Is the extraction of URLs limited to certain types of information?

No, as long as the information exists within your knowledge base or structured information source and is accessible via the API, you can extract URLs corresponding to any topic.

Where can I find templates or additional resources to help with the implementation?

VoiceFlow provides a range of templates and extensive documentation. Additionally, the platform's vibrant community is a great resource for tips, tricks, and guidance.

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