How To EASILY Add GPTs To Social Media

How To EASILY Add GPTs To Social Media

Ever wondered how to supercharge your social media interactions using the power of GPTs? With the surge of AI and automation, incorporating GPTs into social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp has become not just a trend but a necessity, especially for influencers and business owners looking to automate responses and engage effectively with their audience. Today, I'm going to walk you through a simple yet powerful way to deploy GPTs to your social media channels without the need for ChatGPT Plus or intricate coding skills.

The Power of GPTs for Social Media

GPTs, or Generative Pre-trained Transformers, are AI models capable of generating human-like text based on the prompts they receive. By customizing GPTs with your own data and desired responses, you can create powerful tools for engagement on social media. Whether it's handling common inquiries, providing instant customer service, or even generating content, GPTs can do it all, ensuring you never miss a lead or question from your followers again.

Step 1: Get Started with Agentive

To kick things off, we'll be using Agentive, a platform built on OpenAI's Assistant API that allows users to create and deploy custom AI assistants without delving into the complexities of coding. Simply head to Agentive and sign up for an account.

Step 2: Crafting Your GPT

Once you're set up in Agentive, it's time to build your assistant. Similar to ChatGPT's interface, you'll be prompted to provide a set of instructions, actions, and data files to customize your GPT's responses. This process is intuitive, allowing you to direct your GPT's behavior in conversations.

Integrating Tools and Knowledge

For those looking to add more sophistication to their GPT, Agentive allows the integration of external tools and databases. By connecting APIs like Relevance AI, you can enhance your GPT's capabilities, giving it access to a wider range of responses and information. Don't worry about the technicalities; Agentive makes these integrations as easy as copy-pasting API schemas.

Step 3: Connecting with ManyChat

With your GPT ready to go, the next step involves linking it to social media, and that's where ManyChat comes into play. ManyChat is a tool designed for building automation and chatbots for various platforms, offering a perfect bridge to deploy your GPT onto Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp. You'll be able to import a template from Agentive directly into ManyChat, streamlining the entire process.

Deploy to Social Media

After configuring your settings in ManyChat, connecting your GPT to your social media accounts is just a few clicks away. The template provided by Agentive includes all necessary blocks and flows to ensure your GPT interacts seamlessly with your audience, offering them personalized and instant responses. Whether it's a simple greeting or a complex query, your AI assistant has got it covered.

Why This Matters

In an era where digital presence and prompt communication are key, leveraging AI to enhance your social media strategy is not just smart; it's essential. By automating interactions, you not only improve engagement rates but also free up precious time to focus on content creation and other aspects of your business.

GPTs offer a glimpse into the future of social media management—where AI does the heavy lifting, allowing humans to focus on strategy and creativity. Gone are the days of missed messages and opportunities. With GPTs integrated into your social media, every follower receives the attention they deserve.


Deploying GPTs on social media may sound like rocket science, but with tools like Agentive and ManyChat, it's easier than you think. This not only enhances your audience's experience but also gives you a competitive edge in automating engagement and ensuring no lead goes unattended. Embrace the future of social interaction by integrating GPT into your social media strategy today.


Can I use GPTs for other platforms not mentioned?
Yes, while we focused on Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp, the principles apply to any platform that supports API integration, allowing for a broad application of GPTs across your digital presence.

Do I need programming skills to deploy GPTs?
Not at all! Platforms like Agentive are designed to be user-friendly, requiring minimal technical knowledge to create and deploy effective AI assistants.

How personalized can these GPT responses be?
With the ability to feed specific data and prompts into your GPT, responses can be highly personalized, making each interaction unique and tailored to the user's needs.

Is there a cost to using Agentive or ManyChat?
Both platforms offer free tiers to get started, with scalable plans based on your needs. It's possible to deploy an effective GPT assistant without significant investment.

Can GPTs totally replace human interaction on social media?
While GPTs can handle a vast array of interactions, the human touch is still crucial for certain aspects of social media management. Think of GPTs as a valuable tool in your arsenal, not a complete replacement.

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