How To Get Your First AI Automation Agency Client

How To Get Your First AI Automation Agency Client

Starting an AI automation agency is exciting, but let's face it, finding that inaugural client can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. You've got the skills, you've got the ambition, but where are the clients? Fear not, fellow AI enthusiasts! You're about to embark on a journey that will not only showcase practical pathways to land your first client but also illuminate the power of personalization and strategic outreach in the AI sphere.

Understanding the Landscape

First off, it's pivotal to grasp the reality of the AI agency world. Just like Brendan, many of us dive headfirst with enthusiasm, only to be met with the cold, hard truth that leads are not just hard to come by—they're darn right elusive! But why is that? Well, the realm of AI, especially AI automation, is still a burgeoning field. Despite its potential, not every business is ready to jump on the AI bandwagon without a little persuasion.

The Power of Personalized Outreach

Enter the hero of our story: Personalized Outreach. Nico, with his dual expertise in marketing and AI development, particularly for real estate agents, demonstrates the sheer effectiveness of personalized outreach. He zeroes in on the fact that knowing where your audience spends their time and what their pain points are, lays the groundwork for effective communication.

Utilizing platforms like Voiceflow and, and harnessing the capabilities of web scraping tools, Nico’s strategy revolves around targeting active real estate agents with hyper-personalized cold emails. These aren't your run-of-the-mill spam messages; these are carefully crafted emails, bolstered by AI, to resonate on a personal level with prospective clients.

Integrating AI in Outreach

The crux of Nico’s success lies in his use of AI to not just identify leads but to personalize at scale. By leveraging AI through tools like Zapier and Relevance AI, Nico’s approach involves scraping data from platforms like Zillow to curate a list of agents active in the market. But he doesn’t stop there. Each outreach email is meticulously personalized using data points like location, recent postings, and more, all integrated seamlessly with automated processes.

Strategies from the Trenches

Connor from Outbox Solutions shares a slightly different tactic, focusing on replacing virtual assistants with AI-driven solutions. His target? Businesses bogged down by mundane tasks that could easily be automated. By showcasing tangible results and cost savings, Connor pitches his AI solutions to businesses, demonstrating an immediate ROI which is often too tempting to ignore.

And what about Brendan himself? He turned to YouTube, creating a channel dedicated to AI education and showing potential clients exactly what his agency could do. This long-term strategy helped establish his authority in the space and slowly but surely, leads began to convert into clients.

Choosing The Right Tools

To execute these strategies effectively, the choice of platform is paramount. Platforms like,, and others mentioned earlier are not just tools; they are the backbone of any successful AI agency’s outreach and automation processes. Through strategic use of these platforms, personalization becomes not just feasible but a key differentiation point.

Conclusions and Next Steps

So, what does all this mean for you, the aspiring AI agency owner? It means that with the right approach and tools, getting your first client is not only possible but probable. Personalization, strategic outreach, effective use of AI, and leveraging platforms like Voiceflow,, and Zapier are your weapons in this journey. Whether it’s through personalized emails, AI-driven solutions, or educational content, the path to your first client is paved with innovation and persistence.

As you embark on this adventure, remember, each email you send, each video you post, and each automation you build not only brings you one step closer to your first client but also establishes you as a leader in the innovative world of AI automation. The question isn't if you’ll get your first client, but when. So, gear up, and let’s make the leap into the future of AI automation together!


1. How do I choose the right AI tool for my agency?

Consider your specific needs, the industries you’re targeting, and the ease of integration with existing tools. Research each platform's capabilities and lean towards those with strong community support and educational resources.

2. Is personalization in cold outreach really that effective?

Absolutely! Personalized outreach shows the recipient that you’ve done your homework and you view them as more than just a lead. It significantly increases your chances of receiving a response.

3. How important is educational content for an AI agency?

It’s invaluable. Educational content establishes your authority, helps demystify AI for potential clients, and can be a steady source of inbound leads. It’s a long-term strategy with lasting benefits.

4. Can AI really replace virtual assistants?

Yes, for many tasks. AI can handle repetitive tasks more efficiently, freeing up human assistants for more complex and nuanced work. However, the transition should be approached with careful planning and consideration for the human impact.

5. How long does it take to see results from these strategies?

It varies. Some methods, like personalized cold outreach, can yield quick wins, while strategies like building a YouTube channel are more of a long game. Consistency and quality of engagement are key metrics for success.

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