How To Set Up Live Human Handoff For Your Voiceflow Project

How To Set Up Live Human Handoff For Your Voiceflow Project

Have you ever imagined having a chatbot so intelligent that it knows exactly when to step aside and let a human take over? In the digital age, where customer service can be the difference between a satisfied customer and a lost opportunity, integrating a live human handoff feature into your chatbot can be a game-changer. Today, we’re diving deep into how you can set this up in your Voiceflow project, transforming your customer service game.

Why Live Human Handoff?

Before we roll up our sleeves and get into the nitty-gritty, let's talk about why this feature is essential. Imagine a scenario where your chatbot, as smart as it is, encounters a complex customer query that needs a human touch. Without the live human handoff capability, your bot might end up providing unsatisfactory responses, leading to customer frustration. By enabling human agents to intervene at just the right moment, you ensure your customer service is empathetic, accurate, and, most importantly, human.

Getting Started with Voiceflow

First things first, if you're new to Voiceflow, it's a robust platform that lets you design, prototype, and launch chatbots and voice apps without writing a single line of code. For our live human handoff feature, Voiceflow forms the base where our chatbot lives.

Step 1: Voiceflow Setup

To kick things off, ensure you have a Voiceflow account. If not, signing up is straightforward – jump over to Voiceflow’s website and create an account. Once you have access to your dashboard, it’s time to bring your chatbot to life or fine-tune an existing project ready for human collaboration.

Step 2: Integrate with VoGlow

The real magic starts with VoGlow, a third-party application that bridges your Voiceflow chatbot with the possibility of a live chat. If you're scratching your head wondering about VoGlow, remember, it’s the key to unlocking seamless human and AI interaction. Access VoGlow by following the referral link in the video description and get yourself set up.

Setting Up The Live Human Handoff

With VoGlow, setting up live human handoff is a breeze. Let's walkthrough the steps:

1. Dashboard Overview

Upon logging into VoGlow, you’ll be greeted by a dashboard showcasing your chatbot's activity. This dashboard is where the magic of transferring chats from bot to human happens.

2. Widget Creation

Your next move is to create a new widget – think of this as the vessel carrying your chatbot. VoGlow will walk you through this process, asking for key details to ensure your chatbot seamlessly integrates with the human handoff feature.

3. Activation and Deployment

With your widget configured, it’s time to implement the live handoff feature. This involves inserting specific keys from Voiceflow into VoGlow – a simple copy-paste job. Look out for options to record transcripts and ensure they're activated. Once everything is set, deploy your widget by embedding the generated code snippet into your website.

4. Letting Humans Take the Wheel

The fun part begins when a customer query that requires human intervention pops up. VoGlow instantly notifies you, allowing you, or your client, to take over the conversation directly from the dashboard. This interaction not only delivers a personalized experience but also fine-tunes your chatbot’s future interactions.

5. The Seamless Handback

Once the customer's needs are fully addressed, redirecting the conversation back to your AI assistant is just a click away. This seamless switch ensures that your chatbot is always ready for the next interaction, round the clock.

Why This Matters

Implementing a live human handoff feature can significantly enhance your chatbot’s effectiveness, ensuring that your customers receive the most appropriate, empathetic, and detailed responses when needed. For businesses looking to escalate their customer service experience, integrating this feature with Voiceflow projects is not just innovative; it’s imperative.


Setting up a live human handoff for your Voiceflow project can dramatically improve your customer service, making conversations with your chatbot seamless, personal, and more efficient. By following the steps outlined above, you'll be able to enhance your bot's capabilities and offer unprecedented value to your clients. Remember, in the world of AI and chatbots, it’s the human touch that often makes all the difference.


Can I implement live human handoff on any chatbot?

While you can integrate live human handoff features on many platforms, specific steps and the integration process might vary. Voiceflow, coupled with VoGlow, offers a straightforward path to implementation.

Is technical expertise required to set up this feature?

Not necessarily. Platforms like Voiceflow and VoGlow are designed to be user-friendly. With basic understanding and follow-through on instructions, anyone can set it up.

How does this feature impact the customer experience?

It significantly enhances it. The live human handoff ensures that customers are not left hanging or receive inadequate responses to complex queries. It merges the efficiency of AI with the empathy and understanding of human interaction.

Can this feature be used for any industry?

Absolutely. Whether you're in retail, services, healthcare, or any other sector, live human handoff can refine how you engage with customers, providing tailored support when they need it most.

What if my human agents are not available to take over the chat?

It’s important to have contingency plans, such as having multiple agents on standby or an efficient queuing system. VoGlow allows for chats to be held in a queue until a human agent is available, ensuring no customer is left unattended.

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