I Built An AI Caller For An E-Commerce Store

I Built An AI Caller For An E-Commerce Store

Have you ever had one of those "aha!" moments where you stumbled upon something so fascinating that it spurred a sense of urgency to dive in and learn more? Well, that's exactly what happened when I discovered the immense potential AI phone callers have in revolutionizing the e-commerce landscape. AI, or artificial intelligence, has been weaving its way into various facets of e-commerce, but integrating AI callers into the customer service framework? That's a game-changer. Let me walk you through how I ventured into creating an AI caller for an e-commerce store, utilizing platforms like Vapi.ai, Make.com, ElevenLabs, and more, to elevate the shopping experience to new heights.

The Spark of Innovation

AI has been the backbone of customer interaction in e-commerce for some time now, largely through website chatbots. However, AI phone callers? That's relatively new territory. The idea is simple yet profound: build AI voice agents that can not only receive calls from customers but can also reach out to them. Imagine the potential this has for engaging customers, answering inquiries, recommending products, and even following up on abandoned carts.

Getting Started with Vapi.ai

My journey began with Vapi.ai, a platform I chose for its distinct features suitable for crafting an AI voice system for e-commerce. Vapi.ai, coupled with an intuitive interface and seamless integration with voice service providers like ElevenLabs, offered the perfect foundation. The initial step was straightforward – create an account, import a phone number (from Twilio, in this case), and dive into developing the AI assistant.

Conceiving the AI Assistant

Creating an AI assistant on Vapi.ai is like sculpting from a block of clay – you have a vision in mind and tools at your disposal to bring it to life. The essence hinges on crafting a pertinent model and system prompt that guides the AI's interactions with customers. Whether it's inquiring about product preferences or offering recommendations, the AI needs clear instructions to perform effectively.

The Power of Make.com

To enrich the capabilities of the AI caller, integration with Make.com was essential. Make.com served as the conduit for executing custom functions like product recommendations, order cancellations, and sending SMS links to products. It was fascinating to see how a simple prompt to the AI could trigger such a complex yet harmonious sequence of actions, all aimed at enhancing the customer experience.

Advanced Functionalities

One aspect where AI callers shine is in addressing abandoned carts – a persistent challenge in e-commerce. By setting up an AI caller to reach out to customers who've abandoned their carts with personalized messages, offering assistance or discounts, we tap into a new dimension of customer engagement and potentially recover lost sales.

Constructing a Seamless Experience

Crafting the AI's dialogue and flow was an intricate process, involving thoughtful consideration of how the AI would interpret requests and respond in a conversational manner. Utilizing providers like ElevenLabs for voice synthesis, the AI was able to deliver responses that were not just timely but also astonishingly human-like in sound and tone.

No Code? No Problem!

Perhaps the most empowering aspect of this project was the realization that sophisticated AI systems could be built without writing a single line of code. Platforms like Vapi.ai and Make.com have democratized access to powerful AI technologies, allowing creatives and entrepreneurs to innovate and implement AI solutions with intuitive drag-and-drop interfaces.


The journey of building an AI caller for an e-commerce store was not just about integrating cutting-edge technology; it was about reimagining the possibilities of customer interaction and service. As we stand on the cusp of a new era in e-commerce, the role of AI in shaping future customer experiences is undeniable. With tools like Vapi.ai, Make.com, and ElevenLabs, the potential for innovation is limitless. The future is bright, and AI is leading the way.


Can AI phone callers truly sound human?

Yes! With advancements in AI and sound synthesis technologies, AI phone callers can sound incredibly realistic. Providers like ElevenLabs are at the forefront of this innovation, ensuring that AI voices are not just human-like in tone but also in nuances of speech.

How does AI assist with abandoned carts?

AI can significantly reduce cart abandonment rates by engaging customers through personalized calls or messages. By addressing the reasons behind their hesitation or offering incentives like discounts, AI helps recover potential lost sales.

Do I need coding skills to create an AI caller?

No, platforms like Vapi.ai and Make.com offer no-code solutions, making it easier for individuals without a coding background to create and implement AI callers in their e-commerce strategies.

Are AI callers expensive to implement?

The cost depends on the complexity of the AI caller system and the services employed. However, considering the potential ROI from enhanced customer engagement and recovered sales, the investment can be highly cost-effective.

Can AI callers handle complex customer queries?

Yes, by setting up AI with detailed knowledge bases and integrating functionalities like product recommendations, AI callers can address a wide range of customer inquiries effectively.

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