INCREASE Your Voiceflow Knowledge Base Accuracy (Tags API)

INCREASE Your Voiceflow Knowledge Base Accuracy (Tags API)

Ever wondered how to polish your Voiceflow projects to perfection, especially when it involves sifting through the vast expanse of your knowledge base? It's like looking for a needle in a haystack, except the needle can precisely boost the performance of your chatbot. Here's a golden nugget that could be the game-changer for you - leveraging the Tags API to supercharge the accuracy of your Voiceflow knowledge base.

In the intricate web of document queries, directing your bot to target specific files instead of a whole library can enhance its efficiency dramatically. Imagine your bot, acting as a real estate agent, can now differentiate between properties, providing details as specific as the number of bedrooms, all thanks to the magical prowess of Tags API. This approach ensures you get accurate information from the intended document, leaving no room for confusion.

Setting the Stage with Tags

The first step in this meticulous process is to segregate your documents within the Voiceflow knowledge base by applying tags. Think of tags as invisible strings attached to each document, guiding your bot in its quest for answers. Whether it’s a 'returns page' or a specific 'product details document', tagging them correctly is like mapping out a treasure island where X marks the spot.

To implement this, setting a variable to capture the property name allows the flow to dynamically target tagged documents. So, if a user is interested in the John Street property, the tag 'John Street' ensures that the bot queries exclusively from the file tagged accordingly.

API Calls: The Behind-the-Scenes Magic

Apart from the regular method of data retrieval from the knowledge base, making API calls based on the tag enables more refined searches. By including the tag in your API request and setting non-tagged documents to be excluded, you're effectively narrowing down the sea of information to a drop of the most relevant content.

To bring this to life, you'll need to dive into Voiceflow documentation to add your authorization key and perform document listing and tag creation. Copying down the document IDs and tag IDs is like gathering your tools before embarking on a quest. Next up, binding the tag to the document bridges the final gap, ensuring your chatbot knows exactly where to look.

The Real Deal: Querying with Precision

With the setup complete, it's time to see the magic unfold. When a query is shot at the knowledge base, armed with the right tag, the bot fetches information exclusive to the tagged document. Be it 'John Street' or 'Chatbot Road', the responses are pinpointed with unmatched precision. This laser-focused search ability stems from structurally sound API requests, robust tagging, and meticulously bound tags to documents.

The customization possibilities are extensive, allowing a tailored approach to querying the knowledge base. This method not only elevates the accuracy but also the scalability of your Voiceflow projects. Adjusting the include or non-tagged option caters to varied scenarios, making this technique a versatile tool in your arsenal.


Enhancing your Voiceflow knowledge base accuracy with Tags API is akin to tuning a musical instrument. It's about fine-tuning till you hit the right note - or in this case, the correct answer. This method opens up a spectrum of scalability and customization that can revolutionize the way your chatbots interact with the knowledge base. The nuanced level of control and precision it offers marks a significant leap towards creating more intelligent and efficient chatbot flows.

Embarking on this journey requires a dash of curiosity and a willingness to delve into the technicalities, but the rewards are well worth the effort. So, gear up, make those API calls, tag with purpose, and watch as your Voiceflow projects reach new heights of efficiency and accuracy.


1. Can I apply multiple tags to a single document?
Yes, documents in the Voiceflow knowledge base can be linked with multiple tags, offering flexibility in how they can be queried.

2. Is it possible to exclude non-tagged documents from queries?
Indeed, by setting the 'include all non-tagged' to false in your API call, you can ensure that only documents with specified tags are included in the search.

3. How do tags improve chatbot accuracy?
Tags streamline the search process within a knowledge base, allowing chatbots to pull information from specific documents based on the query, thus improving accuracy.

4. Where do I find the authorization key for my Voiceflow project?
The authorization key can be found in the 'Integrations' panel within Voiceflow, specifically under the 'Dialog API' section.

5. Can this tagging method be applied to all types of Voiceflow projects?
Absolutely, tagging is a versatile approach that can enhance the accuracy and efficiency of any Voiceflow project, regardless of its scope or domain.

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